JsOS / No Problem Installer

GitHub GitLab

NPI is a package manager for JsOS.


Start JsOS (use jsos start --netdev virtio if using QEMU, otherwise your network connection may fail).

$ install npi
App npi installed successful!


To install a package, use:

$ start npi install <pkg>


$ start npi i <pkg>

If you want to install a specific version, use:

$ start npi install <pkg>@<commit>
$ start npi install <pkg>@<version>

Before installing, you may want to get some information about a package:

$ start npi info <pkg>
$ start npi info <pkg>@<commit>


$ start npi f <pkg>
$ start npi f <pkg>@<commit>

You can get more info with start npi help.

NPI can install packages from the main repository (aka NPI-pkg) and forked repositories from both GitHub and GitLab. By default, packages are searched for in main GitLab repository. You can override this behaviour by using the following commands:

$ start npi backend github  # Load from main GitHub repository
$ start npi backend github:imachug  # Load from imachug's GitHub repository
$ start npi backend gitlab:imachug  # Load from imachug's GitLab repository

By default, GitHub’s and GitLab’s raw files feature is used. It is unknown whether is has limits, but it works for installation of a given version. If you want to install the latest version and at the same time use GitHub/GitLab Pages backend, use:

$ start npi i <pkg>@pages

Creating a package

1. Fork

First, fork our GitHub or GitLab repository.

Then enable GitHub or GitLab pages, if you want to use install <pkg>@pages.


Open your fork. Open settings and find GitHub Pages section. Choose master branch as source and press Save. Wait for page https://<your_username>.github.io/NPI-pkg/ to appear.


Open your fork. Open CI / CD tab on the left, then choose Run Pipeline. Choose master and Create pipeline and wait for the pipeline to finish. Open page https://<your_username>.gitlab.io/NPI-pkg/.

2. Develop

Then clone your fork:

$ git clone https://<github/gitlab>.com/<your_username>/NPI-pkg
$ cd NPI-pkg

If your package has its own repository on GitHub (or elsewhere), add it as a submodule:

$ git submodule add https://github.com/<your_username>/<name> packages/<name>

If there is no repository, just copy the directory:

$ cp -r ../my_package packages/<name>

Publish changes:

$ git commit -a -m "Package <name>"
$ git push

You may change something and push again, and so on.

3. Use

Install NPI as specified in Installation. Now choose backend:

$ start npi backend github:<your_usename>


$ start npi backend gitlab:<your_usename>

All packages will now be installed from your fork. For example, this will get <name> from your fork:

$ start npi i <name>

Or download from GitHub/GitLab pages:

$ start npi i <name>@pages

4. Publish

Create a pull request at GitHub and set your fork as head fork. Describe your package, and we will approve it as soon as possible.

When you are ready to publish a new verison, send a new pull request and tell us to give it version v0.1 or something like that (see semver). We will create a corresponding tag and you’ll be able to use start npi i <name>@<version>. You can check the tag locally by creating a tag <name>--<version> locally.